Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011


Today is Indonesian mother's day ^w^ for any Indonesian readers, have you done anything for your mom?

Well, maybe , ANY thing we could ever do in our life, would NEVER be able to repay everything our mother had given to us but... it's not a bad thing to show them some appreciation, altough it means almost nothing if faced with what she had given us.

Mom, Thanks for Everything. Sorry for all the troubles i have given you. I love you <3

never leave me <3

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

i wonder

i wonder
if they care about me just as much as i do about them
i wonder

i wonder
if they also see me as something precious
if they would miss me
if they were happy having me around
i wonder

i wonder
how do i look in their eyes?
am i so meaningless in their everyday life?
do they listen to my sayings,
and care about it as much as i do?

i wonder
what am i
to them

but now
i think i hate them

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011


"kagirinaku hirogaru masshiro na ashita ni 
nani o egaku ?"

Tomorrow is like an empty canvas that extends endlessly...
what should I sketch on it?

"genjitsu ga someyuku makkura na ashita ni 
nani o egaku ?"

Reality began to stain the canvas black.
What should I draw?


really in love with this song right now

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


I just got hit by a motorcycle.

Well, it happened today afterschool, when I was crossing the road. Tough when I looked left and right, I only saw a big truck and a car with a fair distance (which was why I crossed it in the first place). But I just crossed halfways when that motorcycle hit me. I think it was overtaking the big truck with full speed without realizing that I was crossing the street in front of the truck. Uh, well...

Fortunately, I wasnt badly injured. Just some scratches and bruises on my feet. The motorcycle rider's wounds were worse than me. (poor him) But he drove me home anyway (i couldnt really walk properly). People were very kind, too. They helped us after the crash.

Maybe that's all the news from me for now. See you!
-just an indo-tan's pic i found, really like it! ><-

Senin, 28 November 2011

Guna Pangkat dan Jabatan

Baru-baru ini, aku dapet masalah (lagi). Dan, dalam rangkaian cerita itu (halah), aku sempat diancam-ancam oleh seseorang yang memiliki pangkat di kemiliteran.

'Saya ini, begini-begini punya pangkat lho!"

Dikira takut kali, ya?

Lhaterus, kalo punya pangkat, mau apa? Bukannya dia juga yang paling tau apa akibatnya menyalahgunakan pangkat, apalagi dia kan aparat pemerintahan?

Emang masih jaman, menggertak cara begitu?

Atau, hukum memang sudah rusak?

Senin, 21 November 2011


Unluckiness kept happening in my life, day after day, hour after hour.

From the simplest things like getting my head bumped to a desk, losing some pencils and pens, until losing my valuable things.

Like, losing my phone in the other day. Or money.

Uh, well, it keeps on happening everyday.

Now, my phone's error, just when i was about to send some songs into it.

And...my daily life.. I guess I'll just let it flow boringly, trying to be a good student.

And... I hope i have my way.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Mencari Jejak Akxen di Buku Kenangan Spensa

-another indonesian entry this time >w>-


Well. Jadi.

Ya, sesuai dengan judulnya. Hari (sepertinya) selasa kemarin, saat aku lagi galau gara2 tumpukan tugas, saat lagi stress mikirin ulangan, dan lagi menggila.... Tiba2 ngeliat sebuah buku ijo berukuran sedang ada di meja belajar. Dan akupun mengambilnya


Dan inilah dia. Bagi mantan arga spensa, apa kalian mengingatnya?? Buku kenangan laknat ini =w=''

dan lalu...tiba tiba aja penasaran, gimana ya foto anak2 akxen di buku kenangan dulu? Jadi, perburuan pun dimulai. Dan yang pertama kali kutemukan adalah... :

Ilham Misbahudin. Udin. Dan dulunya dia dipanggil 'penyok'.

Foto ini.. yah, sungguh Udin sekali(?). Bajunya juga So Young sekali *halah. Ternyata, dulu Udin itu dari kelas 9 B...

Selanjutnya :

Ah, Atmaja. Tawamu disini lepas sekali, nak. Jadinya unyu (?) deh. Kayak boneka pedobear (?) #salah

Atmaja ternyata dulunya kelas 9 F, sekelas ama yang satu ini nih.

Latifa. Satu kata yang bisa kuucapkan saat liat ini ; ngapaiin??
 Nunggu durian jatuh kah? Malaikat Jibril kah? Atau malah nunggu tai burung jatuh dari langit?

Entahlah. Mungkin aja dia malah lagi doa.

Balik lagi kelas, melototin foto2 orang tak dikenal satu persatu. Dan akhirnya aku nemu :

Wee, Angga, si hatikuu.. Posemu as innocent as ever. 
Dan, quote-mu kok... = =''

Btw, Angga ada di kelas 9 SBI A. Katanya sih sekelas ama Rian. Tapi..kok aku ga nemu foto Rian ya. (saknoe)

NEXT! iiiissssh~~
Foto kelasnya TUBEZ! xDD Ini foto kelas favoritku (setelah foto kelas aksel, tentunya :P). Temanya yaitu criminal. Dan disitu aku nemu mbak Bos....

..... sebagai maling sandal. Dengan rambutnya yang bagaikan dora dewasa (?) dan cengiran malingnya itu.  Jadi, mulai sekarang, lebih baik ati2 ya kalo bawa sandal di deket tika... *bercanda, peace tik..*

Tika itu dulu sekelas sama Rizki btw... 
si teroris yang nggak mirip teroris. Dan... entahlah, anda bisa lihat sendiri.

Lanjut ke 9 SBI C, yang berisi 2 makhluk xenosaga lain....

*hening sejenak*

Well, yep, ini our beloved, pretty, slow Avi. Dan dia gak pake kerudung dan dia rambutnya ternyata begitu dan dia unyu banget aaaa~~~~



satu lagi dari mayora  kelas SBIC :

Fadhlur, sang Daddy sekaligus anakkuu(?)~~~
Tapi, wajahmu sinis sekali disini nak. Tapi kul kok. (?)

Dan aku Loncat ke album terakhir. Yap, benar. Album tercintaku, Album kelas AxiEight !!! ><



eh, apa?

Gambarku mana?

Oh, gambarku hanyalah ilusi >,> *dibunuh*


Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011


*indonesian entry*

Cheerliar divakumkan untuk tahun ini.



Lalu buat apa selama ini kita berkorban?? Uang sudah hilang, badan dan pikiran udh capek, udh sakit.
Udah ngerepotin orangtua.Udah berjuang sekuat tenaga. Nilai sudah hancur.

Cuma gara2 orangtua alay, egois, LEBAY tingkat DEWA yang berani2nya ngancem mau ngelaporin ke polisi lah, ke dinas pendidikan lah, media massa lah.



Emangnya kalo cheerliar dibubarin, secara ajaib, nilai kita mbalik jadi bagus gitu? Uang kita juga tiba2 kembali gitu? Terus buat apa? Kita sudah ngorbanin terlalu banyak. Kapal sudah jadi. Kaos sudah dibeli. Pompom tersisir rapi.

'Dek, sumpah, pompom kalian bagus banget'

Tapi sekarang udah gak guna.

Kami ingin menunjukin;

Hasil kerja keras kami, hasil pengorbanan kami! Sekarang kami sudah ngebut, progress kami sudah meningkat jauh!! Satu gerakan tradisional dan closing, kamipun sudah siap berlaga!!

Lalu? Mana apresiasi untuk kerjakeras kami??


Setidaknya....kita dapet pengalaman.
Setidaknya...gara2 perjuangan itulah, kelas kita lebih dekat dari sebelumnya.
Saat2 yg kita lalui bersama, pengorbanan yg kita lewati bersama; semuanya nggak akan hilang teman.

'kita adalah generasi yang terpilih;'

terpilih untuk menghadapi cobaan semacam ini, dan memperbaikinya.

Altough it is hard.


#np : Pirates of Carribean - He is a Pirate.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

a Post in the Middle of my Busy Life

-my life had been so busy lately-

Hey there! ^w^ I got another post for you today, xDD (finally). It's been quite a while, da? Soo, here's some....news(?), from me!

My highschool life's business didn't decease at all, instead it had gone even crazier from before = =''a that's why im now sick at home, suffering some of my diseases. God, I think i'm not gonna be that active of  an active-organization student. Or the likes. I'm sorry, Smala... I want to be one, but i cant.

My effort to design my class's t-shirt had gone to be just a waste of time. Well.. I know... It's my lack of digital art ability and creativity, but...seeing ALL my designs got rejected was....quite annoying. Here's how the designs looked like :

anyways, if maybe you guys wondered, XenoSaga is my class's nickname. It's X-sembilan Number One sak-Galaxy  or in english X-nine's Number One in the Whole Galaxy. 

Hehe, it was awful, right?
 and...it's alright to post it here, eh? Since it's not going to be used anyways...

Anyways.... recently... I've been.... empty? Hah, I dunno. My activity was quite fun recently, mostly because there's cheerliar  . Search in google for more info of it.

And...my lil niece is now in emergency state. She's just a couple months old. Please pray for her safetry. >,< i hope nothing happens to her.

*disclaimer : i don't own the photography included in this post. I found that awesome thing on deviantart.com

That's all for today's entry, See you! 


Sabtu, 24 September 2011

New, Firsts of My Digital Arts!!

Soo...this is a quick post from me. Do u alrdy know what is this about?


...err, u werent excited?

Ah, whatever, just LOOK and TELL ME what u think!!

This is the first one. The first digiart I've ever made. Made in paint with pen tablet~ So...How..? xs
AAANDD~~~ This is the second one!! Still in progress, tough...But i alrdy tried to play w/ gradient and thingys. Also, no layer =3='' i dunno who to use layer either...
Ah, ya. this one is made in paintool sai.

So...how was it??

Sorry for the short entry. Hope u like it!!

Senin, 19 September 2011

New , Busy Life of Mine

Ahaha, it's been a loooooong time (as usual) since the last time i updated this blog of mine. Have you been missing me? xD *slappedkickedkilled*

Well, sorry ne ^^' I've been really, really, really busy in this new highschool of mine. In fact, lately i've been doin tasks past midnite~ Weelll but it's kinda fun too.

I'm joining some extracullicullar, and...sadly my ex-cul-tasks haven't been done *sigh* well at least i managed to do some parts of it.

And...well this may only exist in my country, Indonesia but the past three days, I've been joining an event called LDKMS2011(Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan dan Manajement Siswa) or...you can say an event to improve our leadership and time management skills, level 1. It's been a tough, but fun days back then. Glad that I joined. ^^

Ah, yes! Our school is now in progress for a cheer event/competition, but for boys only (and a must for every students) called Cheerliar (cheer+liar(wild in indonesian). It's kinda funny to see boys do cheering. But we have to rush the progress from now on, well altough the ones who cheers are the boys, but the girls also have big role in making pom-pom(?, its...the fluffy thing you use for cheering) and creating the moves. Please pray for us , hope we'll win ! ^o^

And..wow, cool, my homeworks aren't done. And exams are coming. Cool. Great. Niiceee.... Ahahahahaha *depress laugh*

So...that's all? I guess...

See you around...(well..might not soon....)


Been long since the last of time i add this section huh? Well anyways, i got a cool pic to show ya!

so...guess what are these?


Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Well hello! ^^

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been writing for a long time... Well... You see, I was busy with my new highschool... (and partly lazy too orz *slapped*)

Well, I entered SMA 5 Surabaya xDD I definitely don't regret entering here... It's so much fun here!

Altough...much homework and events too..orz T.T

Well...the Periasi was tough and there were many tasks back then at Perisai... (i slept at 2.30 orz) and now there are also pasca-perisai but... Aside of that, this school rocks! Out of 3 foreign language (beside english) to be chosen (Dutch, Japanese, Chinese), now I'm at 10-9, and it's a Japanese class! ^^ Lucky~

And the school website was like, the coolest one i've ever seen! It got a long list of cool anime series that can be downloaded (and I havent watched some of 'em!). The same goes for western, bollywood, cartoon etc. It also got Games! xDD

I got my spirit of studying here~ Thanks, God ^^

BTW, happy fasting to all who's celebrating ^^ may this month be a month full of bless~

Anyways, how about you guys's doing?

May luck be with you!


((p.s : I wrote fanfics! I told you, my blogger followers, specially. (i only told 2 people before). Here's my pen name : Aisu-c0de but sorry i only got 1 english fic ^^''))

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

UN - Nem!

-i changed my blog's title. do you notice me?-
Hey Guys!! ^^ Here's another post from me! OwO 

1. Nem.
Um, so.. my UNAS score / Nem is out! xD -unas is the final exam here that decides whether ur going to graduate or not- and...my score is.. *drumrolls*
total 36,30 for 4 lessons
and... The score per subjects are : Math : 9.25 ; Science : 9.25 ; English : 9.6 ; Indonesian : 8.2

i fail the worse in my own language lesson..TT^TT 
you could say tht it's good, but not great. My parents isn't satisfied at all. I lose to many of my friends, includin my bestfriend, and mom is not happy with that.

Oh well, this means that i gotta study hard for the RSBI school entrance test. Because with that score, the only good school left for me is the RSBI ones. =w=''' Wish me luck, guys! 

oh, btw, all of my classmates graduated. yay! xD

2. Seeing my improvements makes me really happy~

You know, i was quite desperate with my art. Why is it so..bad? Why can't it be as nice as all those other people? That is, until i found one of my old drawing. ^^ see the improvement :

This is my OC (Original Character), Choco Vanilla. I made her design last year. (forgot which month exactly). My first drawing of her. 

and this is Choco Vanilla I made about a week ago. Yeah, i changed the clothes design. What do you think?
So, my point is... Seeing this improvements of mine in a year, made me really, really happy. Not that i'm satisfied already, but.. It gave me some kind of spirit. I hope i can improve more incredibly in another year. or Less xDD

My suggestion : if you feel hopeless with your work, just see your old ones, u'll see that your hardwork is paid.

Maybe that's all from me now. See you!

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Leo's Face

Heya guys! Well, yeah, finally, an entry from me ^^ im  sorry for not  posting for such a long time...Well...

Um, i got some good news and bad news here... First of all, my phone..were lost...when i was going to Bali for a school vacation...  :'( ah..i lose my phone again..for the 4th time. My family were very angry. It is possible that i wont get a new one     for another year..but..i dont wish that to happen... Even tough they buy me a new one, it would be a simple phone that only worth calling and texting. God, i wish i got a phone that at least has internet and music player. I dont wish too high...

Secondly..well...final examination's over a few weeks ago, well, u know, the most importanmt exam ever at junior high..and, well said that the result will come out tomorrow. I'm very nervous now, because...my tryout scores were not good enough, and i got a lot of corrections on my answer sheet. mostly because i missed a number, and must correct all the wrong answers written. What if i didnt erase clean enough, and my answer is unreadable by the computer? God, I wish i  obtain minimally 9 for each subject. that way i can be a little more relaxed. Pray for me, guys.. TTATT

N ah, now..i think that was all for the depressing news.. still a lot more, i think, but i forgot (hehe ^^')

and..the vacation to bali were exciting!! Before I lost my phone, that is, but i'm still glad that i joined the trip.  And recently  our class held an art exhibition, well, it's a task from the teacher, but still, it was exciting! As you know, my phone is lost, and my camera swum and broke, so..i'll post it when i get the pictures from my friend! ^^

Nah now, regarding to the post's title, Leo's face...um, do you know Pandora Hearts?? My fav manga ever!! and chapter 61 is out! just read it, and at the end of the chapter, Leo's face is revealed!! He's soo beautiful! Wait, is he really a boy? *kicked*

colored by Vi_Chan91312. and here's the grayscale-manga version :
KYAAA~ *W* dont you agree with me?? And..i noticed that he looks a bit like Alice too..woow...why dont you be a girl, Leo? TTATT *killed* Now the yaoi fans would go crazy..i think..TT^TT
umm, maybe that's all from me n ow, see  you and wish you all best of luck! ^^ (wait..i wish myself a good luck too...)

*-*  i love OzxAlice..
CUTE <3  xDD
(now is truly a goodbye)

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011



Ya, i'm b.a.c.k here! Not totally, but..well..it's been a looong, loong time! And sorry, my lovely blog...i abandoned you for a while... TwT but just know that...I STILL LOVE YOU! xDD

Umm, anyways! About me..lately, my sense of anime havent changed, hehe ^^ Still love KHR and PH TO THE EXTREME!! and Hetalia too.~~!!

A bit upset about upcoming final exam... TwT (UNAS SMP IS COMING) but... still as cheerful&happy as always!

LOL...i skipped sooo many good events to write here... and.. did I even write about new year?? Haha, and my birthday at 17 January has passed without me writing anything too, wht a shame~

Now im using free public computer <-- poor << and...o ya! Lately i've watched an anime called ''Starry Sky'' (looks like it based on a game...). The storyline..i dont really like it, but the male characters are AWESOME!! *w* I LOVE EM~~~

Hehe ^^
And also... a lot of other things happen here... well..what to write, eh??
Anyway, now my twitter is already organized, click here to see! ^^

 Oh ya, I'm also opening request for drawings, ^^ tell me if you want me to draw something for you!

err..due to my loss of imagination, guess i'll end it here! The entry's ended,see ya!