Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

a Post in the Middle of my Busy Life

-my life had been so busy lately-

Hey there! ^w^ I got another post for you today, xDD (finally). It's been quite a while, da? Soo, here's some....news(?), from me!

My highschool life's business didn't decease at all, instead it had gone even crazier from before = =''a that's why im now sick at home, suffering some of my diseases. God, I think i'm not gonna be that active of  an active-organization student. Or the likes. I'm sorry, Smala... I want to be one, but i cant.

My effort to design my class's t-shirt had gone to be just a waste of time. Well.. I know... It's my lack of digital art ability and creativity, but...seeing ALL my designs got rejected was....quite annoying. Here's how the designs looked like :

anyways, if maybe you guys wondered, XenoSaga is my class's nickname. It's X-sembilan Number One sak-Galaxy  or in english X-nine's Number One in the Whole Galaxy. 

Hehe, it was awful, right?
 and...it's alright to post it here, eh? Since it's not going to be used anyways...

Anyways.... recently... I've been.... empty? Hah, I dunno. My activity was quite fun recently, mostly because there's cheerliar  . Search in google for more info of it.

And...my lil niece is now in emergency state. She's just a couple months old. Please pray for her safetry. >,< i hope nothing happens to her.

*disclaimer : i don't own the photography included in this post. I found that awesome thing on deviantart.com

That's all for today's entry, See you! 


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