Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


it's unexplainable

all day long,
all night long,

I kept putting pieces by pieces of possibilities,
together, matching it all

but after every crossroads I take,
every path I analize,
every picture I made up,

I still haven't seen a spark of a happy ending

and it's making me crazy.

...and when I wake up,
it disappeared into nothing.

did you know, how did I become such a realist?
it's when I realized that
my daydreams doesn't come true anymore.
oh yes, dear, it doesn't.
I have to make it come true myself, that is.

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


Oh don't worry, don't worry.

Just because it's never shown,
doesn't mean it's nonexistant...
Just because It's unsaid,
doesn't mean it's not there...

Because [even I] am not one that can show my true feelings so openly.

I stumble over my words, and oftenly just run away before even saying anything.

Sometimes I fret over, regretting, wondering if I had made a new misunderstanding I am too familiar with.

So dear, just remember,

Everything is not always what it seems to be...

not everything is what it seems to be.

and now the question is,
Do you have what it takes to unveil the reality?

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013


-just a spoof from someone's facebook status, extended version-

Sebuah tahanan kriminal level tinggi penghuninya--yang kebanyakan adalah tersangka pembunuhan--berbincang-bincang.

"Dulu aku membunuh selingkuhan pacarku dengan clurit," kata salah satu tahanan.
"Aku cuma meninju kepalanya, eh tahu-tahu dia mati," sahut lainnya.
"Kalian semua payah, aku dulu merencanakan pembunuhan berantai itu dengan jenius."
Begitulah satu persatu tahanan bercerita. Lalu, salah satu tahanan menyadari adanya orang baru yang baru dijebloskan ke dalam tahanan itu, yang sedari tadi diam mendengarkan

"Hei, orang baru, apa kejahatanmu?"
"Aku hanya melakukan fitnah."

Sontak tahanan lainnya menjauh darinya dengan tatapan ngeri. Sang tahanan baru bingung. "Kenapa kalian?"

"Karena fitnah lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan..."

-okay you can say that it was crispy or anything really, but it made me laugh out loud the first time I read it-

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013


So lately I've become so desperate in choosing future careers that I take quizzes... Hmm.

This time it's here : http://www.ivillage.co.uk/what-career-will-suit-your-personality/121527 a pretty nice quiz with simple questions~

So it said..

This description is a generalisation. If it rings true, you've found your career type.
You would be very happy in a career that utilised your level-headedness, and allowed you to work mainly on your own. You want a career that allows you to be creative, without having to be involved with lots of people. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
  • Artist
  • Historian
  • Banker
  • Novelist
  • University Professor
  • Photographer
  • Vet
  • Paralegal
  • Graphic Designer
  • Online Content Developer
  • Webmaster
  • Producer
  • Managing Director
  • Nutritionist
  • Advertising
  • Nursing
You like working and being alone. You like to avoid attention at all costs. You tend to keep to yourself, and not interact much with the people around you. You enjoy spending time with a few a close friends. You like to listen to others, but don't like sharing much about yourself. You are very quiet and private. 
You are very practical, and only act after thinking things through. You don't like being forced to answer quickly. You have to evaluate the situation completely. You make decisions based on what you can verify with your senses. 
You like to be deeply involved in one or two special projects. You like to be behind the scenes. You are very logical and fair. You feel you should be honest with others and protect their feelings. 
You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative.  You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.
You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don't get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don't like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.
Finding a career that is right for you isn't always an easy thing. However, if you secure a job that is suited to your personality type you will enjoy going to work, feel great about yourself, feel appreciated and look forward to what's ahead. 
This test was adapted from C. G. Jung's famous personality types."
=w=...was that even helping, I dont know... humm, I still cannot choose those afterall...

XD hard to choose your job when the circumstances gives you every reason not to choose it~

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

An answer to this Kokology test : http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/gT8tOH5/Kokology-1-Jalan-Mana-yang-Anda-Pilih-Mencerminkan-Karakter-Anda (ke sini dulu kalau mau coba juga sebelum spoiler)

Aku pilih laut.

"Maka sifat anda seperti lautan. Walaupun tampak lemah, air memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa. Anda tidak mudah ditipu oleh orang dan menunjukan sifat anda yang berfikir jauh dalam memecahkan suatu persoalan. Keinginan anda akan dapat dicapai setelah melalui berbagai macam rintangan. beruntunglah anda jika memiliki teman yang memiliki sifat air karena hidupnya manfaat bagi orang lain."

Hmm? Well, aamiin.

Kamu dapet apa? ;)

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Dreams and Future

Whenever I think about future, uncertainity strikes.

What am I going to be?
 What shall I do?
 Can I meet up with people's expectation?
What do I really want?

And most importantly, will I acquire happiness?

"Live your dream."

Well yeah, having a dream to chase helps a lot in motivating me to work harder, do better, achieve more. When you believe in a dream and put it into one of your main thoughts, every action you take will be based on a mindset to set your circumstances into one that will fit that dream. Every time I feel tired, unmotivated, like giving up, I'd remember that dream, and remember that it would never come true the way I am now. That I need to change to be better, to work harder, strive for better.

It is truly a blessing to have a dream to look up to.

Now the problem is, how can I achieve it? Hard work only won't be enough, I need to figure out the right path that would lead me to that dream. And for that, I'll need to decide more specific matters--when will I go after high school, what job will I take, how will I manage my life, etc.

Oh my fellas... Life's so hard, isn't it?