Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Selasa, 10 September 2013

Kemampuan Verbal

-di sebuah tes TPA-

Guru : Joni, tes ini bermaksud untuk memilih dua kata yang hubungannya sama satu sama lain, kamu paham, kan?

Joni : Ya pak.

Guru : Lalu mengapa menurutmu jagung dan bintang memiliki hubungan yang sama dengan harimau dan kue??

Joni : Tapi hubungan mereka memang sama, pak.

Mereka sama-sama tidak ada hubungannya.

-just another crispy anecdote from me-

Senin, 09 September 2013

Carpe diem

O pretty little buds of roses
Come and gather, no time to waste

Because one day they'll bloom beautifully,
the next day wither away

So what's the point of even plopping out of their green shells?

'Just to be there,' the sky said, 'to declare to the world of your being'
in the end of the day, you'll find your own phrase,
a little part of that majestic poem of the world

will it be a word, or a paragraph, no one knows

So my dear, before we wither away,

While you're in your full bloom

Seize the day

-although, I wonder if I can really plant this into my soul,
even if I have grasped the meaning?-
She looked into his eyes, eyes that resembled the clear blue sky.
Stars sparkled and rainbows spread, as if all the dullness of the world are just poor lies.

And for once, she stood mesmerized, allured, snatched away from reality,
Until finally, she gazed upon the dark clouds
and the melting candledolls around

; and with all her power
She closed her eyes from that warm sky that now seems so wrong.

And she stepped back

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Declaration of War

O romance
I despise you

It seems for now
I am not fit for you
as you me

Until the time
When I have mended up my purpose

I'll close my heart

Until the time
When I have made smiles onto those faces of the ones I cherish the most

Until that comes

Then I'll once again welcome you with open arms

...see you when I see you ;)

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

What to do

What to do, what to do.

It crumbled again
The puzzle I've been trying to put together
Had fallen again

The pillars broke down, falling all the way
One by one
It made no effort to fight back against erotion
Although, what am I expecting anyway?

What to do, what to do

Slowly, a fog came over me
The puzzle I wanted to see
Now it became blurry

And as it crumbled
Agan and again and again
the main piece had went missing
I looked left and right, up and down
Can't find it

What to do?

My hands are full

What to do?

The pillars had all fallen

What to do?

My wooden legs are shaking, my hands numb

What to do?

It's gonna crumble again

What to do...

...what to do, eh, little Oz sitting in the corner of the room?

...and when the rabbit came past me
again, and again, and again
Checking his pocketwatch and glanced over,
I once again repeat it in my head


What... on earth should I do?

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013


   "    A human can at best become a Human and at worst can become a Human. S/he can neither become a God nor become a demon.
          So, one should not throw around words like God or Demon! You are born a human, you will die a human, don't try to be anything more or less. 
       You only can choose a path of Lowlife or a path of Greatness. Then again, u can remain 'You' and stay a 'Nobody'.   "

Just some words from a friend's fb status. Thought it was nice.

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

The Contractor, The Rabbit, and The Seaweed (?)

So today I read my old manga collections again, and I came across this. It's one of the cutest manga scene ever :

When Alice asked at chapter 31 Pandora Hearts : "Is something wrong, Oz?"

Manga Ver :

Oz and Alice foreveer~~~ #otp

Oh but Gil and Alice is cute, too.
There was one time, when Oz locked himself in a room after being rejected for the third time by his father. (He was always disgusted by him, poor Oz)
Alice was waiting just outside the door for quite a while, refusing to go. Then Gilbert came and told her to go because she was a nuinsance to people crossing the hall (of course this is just a tsundere reasoning).
Alice refused, and she looked upset.
Then Gilbert patter her head.

Apparently, Alice liked the feeling so much, that she started to chase after him and asked him to pat her again. XD

There was also an omake where Alice gave Gilbert a candy (or...I forgot what was it, but she left it just for him).
Gilbert was of course confused by the sudden kindness. Well after that... Alice was all puffed-up for being a good girl, and offered her head to be patted again. 


By the way, Oz sounds really sad and depressed here, isn't he? But actually, despite being really.... humm let's just say his storyline is a sad one--he's a very cheerful character, and he likes to play pranks and tease others much. And he's also very kind. >w< Oz~~

That concludes my review-ish of today. Err, Pandora Hearts characters' little review, I guess XD

O3O/ which pairing do you like better?

Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


it's unexplainable

all day long,
all night long,

I kept putting pieces by pieces of possibilities,
together, matching it all

but after every crossroads I take,
every path I analize,
every picture I made up,

I still haven't seen a spark of a happy ending

and it's making me crazy.

...and when I wake up,
it disappeared into nothing.

did you know, how did I become such a realist?
it's when I realized that
my daydreams doesn't come true anymore.
oh yes, dear, it doesn't.
I have to make it come true myself, that is.

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


Oh don't worry, don't worry.

Just because it's never shown,
doesn't mean it's nonexistant...
Just because It's unsaid,
doesn't mean it's not there...

Because [even I] am not one that can show my true feelings so openly.

I stumble over my words, and oftenly just run away before even saying anything.

Sometimes I fret over, regretting, wondering if I had made a new misunderstanding I am too familiar with.

So dear, just remember,

Everything is not always what it seems to be...

not everything is what it seems to be.

and now the question is,
Do you have what it takes to unveil the reality?

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013


-just a spoof from someone's facebook status, extended version-

Sebuah tahanan kriminal level tinggi penghuninya--yang kebanyakan adalah tersangka pembunuhan--berbincang-bincang.

"Dulu aku membunuh selingkuhan pacarku dengan clurit," kata salah satu tahanan.
"Aku cuma meninju kepalanya, eh tahu-tahu dia mati," sahut lainnya.
"Kalian semua payah, aku dulu merencanakan pembunuhan berantai itu dengan jenius."
Begitulah satu persatu tahanan bercerita. Lalu, salah satu tahanan menyadari adanya orang baru yang baru dijebloskan ke dalam tahanan itu, yang sedari tadi diam mendengarkan

"Hei, orang baru, apa kejahatanmu?"
"Aku hanya melakukan fitnah."

Sontak tahanan lainnya menjauh darinya dengan tatapan ngeri. Sang tahanan baru bingung. "Kenapa kalian?"

"Karena fitnah lebih kejam daripada pembunuhan..."

-okay you can say that it was crispy or anything really, but it made me laugh out loud the first time I read it-

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013


So lately I've become so desperate in choosing future careers that I take quizzes... Hmm.

This time it's here : http://www.ivillage.co.uk/what-career-will-suit-your-personality/121527 a pretty nice quiz with simple questions~

So it said..

This description is a generalisation. If it rings true, you've found your career type.
You would be very happy in a career that utilised your level-headedness, and allowed you to work mainly on your own. You want a career that allows you to be creative, without having to be involved with lots of people. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:
  • Artist
  • Historian
  • Banker
  • Novelist
  • University Professor
  • Photographer
  • Vet
  • Paralegal
  • Graphic Designer
  • Online Content Developer
  • Webmaster
  • Producer
  • Managing Director
  • Nutritionist
  • Advertising
  • Nursing
You like working and being alone. You like to avoid attention at all costs. You tend to keep to yourself, and not interact much with the people around you. You enjoy spending time with a few a close friends. You like to listen to others, but don't like sharing much about yourself. You are very quiet and private. 
You are very practical, and only act after thinking things through. You don't like being forced to answer quickly. You have to evaluate the situation completely. You make decisions based on what you can verify with your senses. 
You like to be deeply involved in one or two special projects. You like to be behind the scenes. You are very logical and fair. You feel you should be honest with others and protect their feelings. 
You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative.  You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.
You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don't get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don't like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.
Finding a career that is right for you isn't always an easy thing. However, if you secure a job that is suited to your personality type you will enjoy going to work, feel great about yourself, feel appreciated and look forward to what's ahead. 
This test was adapted from C. G. Jung's famous personality types."
=w=...was that even helping, I dont know... humm, I still cannot choose those afterall...

XD hard to choose your job when the circumstances gives you every reason not to choose it~

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

An answer to this Kokology test : http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/gT8tOH5/Kokology-1-Jalan-Mana-yang-Anda-Pilih-Mencerminkan-Karakter-Anda (ke sini dulu kalau mau coba juga sebelum spoiler)

Aku pilih laut.

"Maka sifat anda seperti lautan. Walaupun tampak lemah, air memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa. Anda tidak mudah ditipu oleh orang dan menunjukan sifat anda yang berfikir jauh dalam memecahkan suatu persoalan. Keinginan anda akan dapat dicapai setelah melalui berbagai macam rintangan. beruntunglah anda jika memiliki teman yang memiliki sifat air karena hidupnya manfaat bagi orang lain."

Hmm? Well, aamiin.

Kamu dapet apa? ;)

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Dreams and Future

Whenever I think about future, uncertainity strikes.

What am I going to be?
 What shall I do?
 Can I meet up with people's expectation?
What do I really want?

And most importantly, will I acquire happiness?

"Live your dream."

Well yeah, having a dream to chase helps a lot in motivating me to work harder, do better, achieve more. When you believe in a dream and put it into one of your main thoughts, every action you take will be based on a mindset to set your circumstances into one that will fit that dream. Every time I feel tired, unmotivated, like giving up, I'd remember that dream, and remember that it would never come true the way I am now. That I need to change to be better, to work harder, strive for better.

It is truly a blessing to have a dream to look up to.

Now the problem is, how can I achieve it? Hard work only won't be enough, I need to figure out the right path that would lead me to that dream. And for that, I'll need to decide more specific matters--when will I go after high school, what job will I take, how will I manage my life, etc.

Oh my fellas... Life's so hard, isn't it?

Jumat, 05 April 2013


Are you afraid of thunder?

I've witnessed many people who are afraid of it. In the books, mangas, movies etc, many of those kawaii lolis or kuuderes have "afraid of thunder" as one of their few weaknesses.

How about you? Are you scared of it too?

As for me... I don't. Well yes, thunder has a frightening sound for most people, and the prior darkness, followed by a flash sudden lightning gives a somehow creepy, intense effect. It may sounds like the rage of the sky, or the Gods, for some.

But from my perception, thunders are not that bad. It's just like a sign of an incoming blessing, my favorite weather, rain. When you see it that way, thunder gives the opposite soothing effect, and I enjoy seeing the dramatical lightning effect. I'd stare at the sky, waiting for it to end and the rain to start.

Well... how many of you agree with me?

Or... do you still think that thunder is a rage from the sky, a thing to be scared of?

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Loving Tinker Bell, Is It Really That Weird?

Well, is it?
For a 16-years-old girl to like Tinker Bell?

=3=/ some of you may call me weird, childish, or whatever, but I personally think it is a good movie...
But hey, don't even a single one of you love it too?

So I just watched this movie of her :
...and I liked it.
The story is  about Tinkerbell who--due to her usual curiosity--met her secret twin-sister, Periwinkle, who is a Winter fairy. They were born from the same laughter split into half, but they live in different worlds.

The sad thing is, winter fairies can't stand the heat in Pixie Hollow, and warm fairies (like Tink) can't stand the cold winter woods air, so they couldn't be together--or else their wings will break due to the weather and they shall never fly again.

But~! The two of them are sooo cute X3 specially when they were having great times together in winter woods.... (Tink made herself a mantle to protect her wings from the cold air)

They are like mirror reflection >w< makes me want to have a twin sister...

Well, is it weird that this movie gave me the feels? ;w;
Not childish right?

Good thing is, they'll find a way to visit each other without being harmed in the end.

And apparently The Queen of the Pixie Hollow, Clarion and the King of the winter woods was also a forbidden cross-land lovers lol XD


Another wird thing is, I err... I kinda ship the pairing Terrence x Tink =w=/
I mean, aren't they cute? >w</


In one of the lines in "The Secret of The Wings", Tink was telling :

"You should see me and Terrence back then! Whew, we barely escaped those pirates."
"Oh, is he your boyfriend?"

LOL, I want to totally see Tink's face ~

Anyway, maybe that's all I'd like to post today :D
 Whew, I should do this review-ish thing again next time XD what do you think?


Senin, 11 Maret 2013


=w= some of them are really... err, funny? or just idiotic XD

at English lesson
Tya : Aaaaa..... bahannya apa ini *panik*
Hazmi : Tepung, telur, pisang, coklat... *nyebutin bahan pisang coklat*
Tya : Bukan itu, maksudku ulangan Biologinya.
Hazmi : Oh...

Dan aku lupa yang lain XD tapi percakapan salah sambung semacam ini sering terjadi akhir2 ini~

Uh, maybe that's all?

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Oh thoughts

Is it when you care about someone so much, you think about them all the time...?

Is it when you want to take all their pain away and put it into yourself...?

Is it when you're happy to just see them and talk to them?

....is it when knowing that they also care about you, you don't need anything else..?

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013


So today I went to the Japanese World. It's a bunkasai (japanese-style festival)

Saw so many cosplays, and...there was even a Kuma!! *O*

..but I didn't get any picture with him. That's a real shame TT^TT
Couldn't help since so many ppl were surrounding him...poor little big Kuma...

And then we went to the obake house. The were 8 of us, Me, Ninis, Angga, Meme, Fadhlur, Adit, Taufiq and Lara. Since the rule was we must go in two by two or alone, at first we were going in couples of the same gender.

...but the gatekeeper wouldn't let two boys go together.

We did hompimpa/paper rock scissor to get boy-girl pairs (since there was no other way, if we love our money). I got Angga as pair--which I thought was lucky, since he's got an innocent expression all the time. I mean, he wouldn't be freaked out. I think.

*nb: some of these dialogues are only said in my mind. you figure out which ones*

Before coming in.
Me : Aw yeah. I might be a bit of a scaredy cat but I'm sure I can handle it! And being scared would be embarassing, wouldn't it. IMMA BRAVE GIRL.

Me : Ohmygod what's that... Please dont scream suddenly like that it's scary. and ANGGA WONT YOU MOVE FASTER. The old guy's laughing there! ......i am sorry I stepped on you foot. Keep going!!!
Angga : Calm down!

After out :
Me : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That was too short!! I thought it was longer.
Angga : ...where's our cola?
Receptionist : Sorry, the bonus cola has ran out.

......okay I failed.

B-but the others....I bet they were scared too! (except Lara...she's the same kind as Angga).
And Meme cursed loudly inside that Taufiq forgot to prank the ghost.

Taufiq: (thinking) it's so dark...can't see a thing.
Meme : JAMP*T!


And people's saying were...

Ninis : ....I wasn't scared...just surprised.
Adit : It's so dark, I can't see a thing.
Dlur : The ghost's costume..I bet they were quite good.
Adit : Yeah. That woman ghost was pretty, right??

And Lara.... she just put on that innocent smile.

Lara : That was quite surprising eh....

...and I went to the corner, regretting my life. Was I the only one that was scared?


And btw we went to the maid cafe. This time the maid was real.
...but the food's so pricey.

"It is a place that gives your money wings." -Fadhlur

Very true indeed.

Btw, lalat got accident T^T just a fingerbone broken but...too bad she couldnt join the bunkasai. Get well soon, my bestfriend!

...um maybe that's all for this post?

What about you? Something interesting happened? ^^

See you ^^

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Prussia's Song


Hmm you should know Andra and the Backbone's song, "Sempurna", right?

So a few weeks ago my friend, Hawari, went and modificated it a bit XD

And I really think the song would really suit Prussia... How? You'll see

Original Lyrics : http://liriklaguindonesia.net/andra-the-backbone-sempurna.htm

Hawari's edit :

Ku begitu sempurna
Di matamu ku begitu indah
Ku membuat dirimu
Akan selalu memujaku....

Di setiap langkahmu
Kau kan selalu memikirkan diriku
Tak bisa kau bayangkan
Hidupku tanpa diriku ~~

* janganlah ku tinggalkan dirimu
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamaku kau akan bisa

Aku adalah darahmu
dan juga jantungmu
Ku adalah hidupmu
Lengkapi dirimu
Oh diriku kau begitu 

Sempurna, sempurna

Kugenggam tanganmu
Saat dirimu lemah dan terjatuh
Kubisikkan kata
Dan hapus semua sesalmu

Repeat *
(if ya dunno what those lyrics meant... well, Google translate.)

 XDD TROLOLOL~ Just imagine Prussia singing it.
...oh yeah. His voice. It's a big no.

Pru : Awww c'mon. You know everyone LOVES my awesome voice.

...no Pru. I mean, some might, but... it's not enjoyable.

Pru : Hmph! You're just jealous are you! I'll make an awesome concert then, Me, Julchen, and Pruneko! Just watch as everyone comes for my awesomeness!


Pru : Let's go, Gilbirds! XD


Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013


She stood still.

One hand reached out to the pouring light of the morning sun, catching a handful of it and bringing its warmth close to her chest.

But it was no use. Her chest still felt cold.

Silver silky strands of hair fell beautifully as she tilted her head forward. She gazed down to the crystal blue water—to her own reflection. Long, silver hair framed a perfect façade consisting a pair of emerald eyes, porcelain skin, full cherry lips. Even so, those beautiful eyes held no light.

The water stirred around her.  The woman’s beautiful figure was slowly revealed as she stepped out of the lake. Her hair—dripping with water—flowed down to her hips. Her long satin dress stirred at the air, seeming unaffected by the water. 

The woman looked up to the clear blue sky. It was very quiet there. She lived alone in a treehouse, having the sky, the trees, the grasses, the lake, the wind, and soundless animals as her company. Day and night, she would pray to the Lord, wishing for the safety of the world she was trying to keep safe.

She knew. She knew it all too well—about how big was her role in supporting the world, and what was the consequence if she was to leave that role. However, she couldn’t help but to wonder what she could never seen. Wondering about sounds she could never hear. And feelings she could never have.

She couldn’t leave. For the sake of everything she loved, she couldn’t.

But what did she even love? This quiet place? Those white rabbits? The blooming white lilies? The cold, calm lake? The clear blue sky?

A tear scrolled down her cheek, disappearing into the ground as a question resounded in her head. 

Could she even have any choice?


Ok seriously IDK, I just went and created a fairy-tale like story. You probably gonna see its continuation later.

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Some shots

So I'm doing this because I've got a promise to one matey of mine :)

First one is the picture of the rain.
Though my camera's not a good one, so you can't really see it...

The skies from my balcony. It was raining hard, actually.
My neighbor's  front garden. Sorry unrotated yet ><
Now can you see the rain? I got drenched that day =w=

The leaf's wet XD

Now the second one : pictures of my village views.

I LOVE this view. >w<
Some water clover OwO they're cute...
My fav spot to wander around OwO y'know, this can be a good photography object... an abandoned rice-griller place.
clovers. so many of them.
Some square metres FULL of mimosa pudicas...
You know who's this, LOL XDD

Well I hope you... err, enjoyed it.

XD nothing more to say~



Jumat, 18 Januari 2013


So one day my english teacher told us to make a poem about an animal we hate. And I made one about cockroach.

Indonesian :


Kecil dan hitam kecoklatan
Kau diam di pojokan

Aku melangkah ragu
Tertatih melaju
Ingin kabur dari situ

Tiba-tiba kau keluarkan senjata pamungkasmu
Kau terbang tinggi
Mengabaikan teriakanku

Dengan sigap kututup pintu
Agar aku terhindar
Dari mimpi burukku

English :


Small and dark brown
You lurk in the corner of the room
Waiting silently

I stepped with doubt
Keeping an eye on you
Abruptly going
Wanting to escape from you

Suddenly you used your final move
You flew high
Ignoring my high-pitched shriek

Quickly, I closed the door
So that I am safe
From my nightmare


LOL hope you enjoyed it

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013


So one day my bestfriend's boyfriend went and said this to us (me and my bestfriend who was joking lively)

"You two are always so cheerful, it's like you guys has some flowers on your background. So cheerful that it's weird when I see you guys down."

....umm okay. But, really?

XDD well that's not a bad life to have, so... praise the Lord~

Bonus :
The Nordic Countries

Hetalia season 5 is coming! And, yes, with this awesome art style *O*
Can't wait!

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013


Hey Guys, do you like Synchronicity?  It's my all-time favorite Vocaloid song series....

And just telling that PART 3 HAD JUST BEEN RELEASED! It seems that it was released last December. Oh, I'm so glad to find it. Although...the epic ending...

Link :


And, I am searching for the web novel translation. >A< ; I only found3 chapters here : http://synchronicitynovel.blogspot.com can anyone please tell me where I can find the rest??

To you who havent known about this song (which i a real shame) I suggest you to try it >< I mean, seriously, It's just soo awesome!

Just in case :
Synchronicity part 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg59is5AyUg
Part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gSJO1QxiSA

>A< looking forward for any response (if someone even finds this post...)

And by the way...though it's late....