Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Declaration of War

O romance
I despise you

It seems for now
I am not fit for you
as you me

Until the time
When I have mended up my purpose

I'll close my heart

Until the time
When I have made smiles onto those faces of the ones I cherish the most

Until that comes

Then I'll once again welcome you with open arms

...see you when I see you ;)

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

What to do

What to do, what to do.

It crumbled again
The puzzle I've been trying to put together
Had fallen again

The pillars broke down, falling all the way
One by one
It made no effort to fight back against erotion
Although, what am I expecting anyway?

What to do, what to do

Slowly, a fog came over me
The puzzle I wanted to see
Now it became blurry

And as it crumbled
Agan and again and again
the main piece had went missing
I looked left and right, up and down
Can't find it

What to do?

My hands are full

What to do?

The pillars had all fallen

What to do?

My wooden legs are shaking, my hands numb

What to do?

It's gonna crumble again

What to do...

...what to do, eh, little Oz sitting in the corner of the room?

...and when the rabbit came past me
again, and again, and again
Checking his pocketwatch and glanced over,
I once again repeat it in my head


What... on earth should I do?