u knew that we went trought dificulties when we prepared everything- the costume..., the music, accesorry,
and what've we got??
they don't appreciate any of it!! maybe they think we're just children....
--the story--
arrived there, by RUNNING from the front of the mall till the back....fiuh.....
then we met chrome-chan's dad, took some pic....and wait 4 our turn....
we met so many cosplayer nee~~
like this:
and this:
and also this"
then we practice to dance Hare Hare Yukai again, and....the perform starts!!
we went up to the stage, we were posing, then we took position 4 the dance...but then the backsound didn't come out, and the host told us to come down....
i was so worried, but i tought that was just the photo session....
but then i asked the administrator, and he said THAT was the perform!!!
and then i started to say ''WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING BACK THEN???''
we complained it to the music sub....(the one who click it from his laptop) and he said somehow the sound doesn't come off... we tought we must resend it, and then he said that we must wait till the end...
i was so worried, if all my hardwork to study the dance is meaningless.....
till the and, still we can't perform!! and we weren't the only one!!!
the music sub apologize to me, the host too....
they said it wasn't their fault...
the sound doesn't come out because the mixer turn the sound sytem off....
and it was on purpose by the operator....
oh gosh, SUCKS OPERATOR!!!
i wanted to cry, remembering all of our hardwork.....
we don't care if we didn't win, but please appreciate our hardwork!!!
maybe they did that cause there are more people dress better than us, but they didn't know what we went trough to get all that!!
they just don't understand!!! IT'S ALL MEANINGLESS!!!
oh well, we just cheer ourselves....
oh my god......please understand all that.....
and lastly....our pic!!!! ^o^ enjoy....just have some fun......
and do our best!!
hahahahha... i agree w/ u. the cosplay is nice, but the operator is sucks to death!! DDXX
BalasHapusLOL indeed..... i wanna throw a shoe to the operator...