guru kami memberi tugas melengkapi kata2 yg hilang dalam sebuah wawancara....here goes the story :
a EF teacher named Julian was attacked by his students. They did it because they were furious about the final test jullian were talking about. While he was talking about the final test, the students took their boardmakers and stabbed it to jullian many times. An eyewitness said that when they were killing Jullian, they were enjoying it. They were singing and dancing. It seemed that they were insane!! then the pollice officers came and the students ran away to madura *wth?*. then while jullian was taken away to the hospital, a becak driver crashed the ambulance and ruined it. Jullian walked to hospital, and the doctor said that he wouldn't be able to teach for 6 years because he broken every bone in his body.
the teacher gave us a game....we played it with this law: we write a sentence on our board, then swap the board to other students, the same goes to the other. then every student continues their friend's story by a sentence, then swap it again. THIS IS MY STORY :
1st team: RED
2nd team:green
3rd team: blue
4th team: pink
*my team first* I was riding a motorcycle when i saw a godzilla. then the godzilla ate me for about 10 minutes. and then i died. and i was going to heaven when the godzilla ate my parents. i felt sorry for them, but i was happy because they would go to the other world with me. in heaven i met my parents again and i hugged them because i really missed them. that was the and of my life and my story. READ AND BUY MY STORY! *when i saw it, i say, OMG LOL* oh man, how should i continue to talk with you now??
LOLZ! cerita aneh!! hahahahaha...
aku bersyukur, karena wifi ef yg keren ini, aku bisa ngepost....
bye guys.....
emang sekeren itu??? waaaa~~ OAO
BalasHapushahaha iya, tapi tunggu.....apanya yg sekeren itu?