today i joined a test to go to was like study tour...with my friends..... but we gotta pass a selection test, which is very hard to answer....
the 1st question is : ''what makes smpn 1 to be the pioneering international school in the subjects, students, and teacher point of view?''
well i almost answered ''how the hell should i know bout that? i dunno, maybe because the government say so!''
but i'll NEVER answer teacher would kill me... so it took long time for mew to think about it.......
2nd question : ''why do you want to join sister school *yeah,that's it's name...* activities? give the objective and reason!''
well the real answer was '' i dunno, haha! don't have any reason, just wanted to? must i have reason for join that thing?''
well if i answer that i surely wont pass the selection, so it took MORE times to think....
3nd question : '' how will you expose your school to blablabla...*i don't remember it completely*?'' should i expose my school? haha! no idea.....!! so it took the longest time to answer this one....
then the test was text test was over....BUT WE GOTTA WAIT FOR INTERWIEW!!!!
god....bless mee.........the interwiew had the same old question too......
then....we came back to class.... i were playing with reborn, belpeghor, uncle lambo and chrome.... then my granma, squalo comes. he played with us a little while then the pairing war is starting again....
then in the end of the pairing war, grandma got paired, then she said this pairing : XS is the best. Squalo Xanxus is the best.
i was very shocked...,
so....well....... SQUALO IS GAY?????????????????
OUR GRAMMY *that actually is our step grampa* IS A GAAAAAAAAAAAY????????????????????
wel i hate yaoi u know....
i thought this family reputation is ended.....
unknown voice : HEY! that won't happen just because your grammy is a gay!
me : um...i guess so....our grammy was always useless after all....
ok guys....seee ya!!!!!!

Welcome to Wonderland!
A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.
Selasa, 27 April 2010
Jumat, 23 April 2010
i'm trying to watch anime oonline....and u know what?? i'm waiting for 30 minutes and it just load for 26SECONDS of total 26 MINUTES! TT^TT
i'm trying to watch anime oonline....and u know what?? i'm waiting for 30 minutes and it just load for 26SECONDS of total 26 MINUTES! TT^TT
Rabu, 21 April 2010
yeah now i'm posting in my school. just one word to say. DAMN. I GOT BAD MARK!
shit. what should i do? i cant show it to my family etither. they hopes to much from me *sigh*
maybe it's also my fault, i forgot to study for this mathematic exam. but still.......
*sighs* *burn herself*
at i must get a better mark next time, LOL. now the lesson goes to next chapter.
i must study.... *cries*
-2 hours later-
yeah,finally i could continue this post!! well i'm drawing G now, primo version of gokudera, LOL. wow i hate those tattoo, but also love it. haha. I hate it because it's very hard to draw, really....what's that? kinda like....a tree with no leaves, and painted by red paint? LOL i dunno.
love it cz IT LOOK SO SEXY! omg it makes him even cooler.
now everybody went home. i'[m still here, in my class, waiting for other class to go home. I must wait for my friend named ELLA and u know what? my nickname is also ELLA. HAHA. but beware, we aren't twins. WE DON'T LOOKALIKE AT ALL!
um....but our characteristic match. good. yeah, she is as freaky as me!!
and now i have a new grandma and grampa. my grammy is SQUALO and my grampa is XANXUS. Xanxus always glare at me when i call him ''GRAMPA!'' he looked me with strange sight....LOL i enjoy it!
and my grammy....well,yeah, she is....A BOY.
WAIT A MIN! they're not yaoi couple!! it just....squalo was our step grampa, but because that long, straight, and beautiful hair, we call him GRAMMY. LOL He didn't mind, so....WE CONTINUES TO CALL HIM ''THAT''. HAHA
*beware: they're not the real grammy and grampa, it just a joke in our class, like a family tree, LOL. in my class, they call me kyoko sasagawa.*
ah, i wanna color my G drawing i'm at school and i didn't bring my coloring pencil...-_-
okay, i must stop.
bye guys.....
shit. what should i do? i cant show it to my family etither. they hopes to much from me *sigh*
maybe it's also my fault, i forgot to study for this mathematic exam. but still.......
*sighs* *burn herself*
at i must get a better mark next time, LOL. now the lesson goes to next chapter.
i must study.... *cries*
-2 hours later-
yeah,finally i could continue this post!! well i'm drawing G now, primo version of gokudera, LOL. wow i hate those tattoo, but also love it. haha. I hate it because it's very hard to draw, really....what's that? kinda like....a tree with no leaves, and painted by red paint? LOL i dunno.
love it cz IT LOOK SO SEXY! omg it makes him even cooler.
now everybody went home. i'[m still here, in my class, waiting for other class to go home. I must wait for my friend named ELLA and u know what? my nickname is also ELLA. HAHA. but beware, we aren't twins. WE DON'T LOOKALIKE AT ALL!
um....but our characteristic match. good. yeah, she is as freaky as me!!
and now i have a new grandma and grampa. my grammy is SQUALO and my grampa is XANXUS. Xanxus always glare at me when i call him ''GRAMPA!'' he looked me with strange sight....LOL i enjoy it!
WAIT A MIN! they're not yaoi couple!! it just....squalo was our step grampa, but because that long, straight, and beautiful hair, we call him GRAMMY. LOL He didn't mind, so....WE CONTINUES TO CALL HIM ''THAT''. HAHA
*beware: they're not the real grammy and grampa, it just a joke in our class, like a family tree, LOL. in my class, they call me kyoko sasagawa.*
ah, i wanna color my G drawing i'm at school and i didn't bring my coloring pencil...-_-
okay, i must stop.
bye guys.....
Selasa, 20 April 2010
yeah! hari ne aku les di ef....ada beberapa story yang aneh....
guru kami memberi tugas melengkapi kata2 yg hilang dalam sebuah goes the story :
a EF teacher named Julian was attacked by his students. They did it because they were furious about the final test jullian were talking about. While he was talking about the final test, the students took their boardmakers and stabbed it to jullian many times. An eyewitness said that when they were killing Jullian, they were enjoying it. They were singing and dancing. It seemed that they were insane!! then the pollice officers came and the students ran away to madura *wth?*. then while jullian was taken away to the hospital, a becak driver crashed the ambulance and ruined it. Jullian walked to hospital, and the doctor said that he wouldn't be able to teach for 6 years because he broken every bone in his body.
the teacher gave us a game....we played it with this law: we write a sentence on our board, then swap the board to other students, the same goes to the other. then every student continues their friend's story by a sentence, then swap it again. THIS IS MY STORY :
1st team: RED
2nd team:green
3rd team: blue
4th team: pink
*my team first* I was riding a motorcycle when i saw a godzilla. then the godzilla ate me for about 10 minutes. and then i died. and i was going to heaven when the godzilla ate my parents. i felt sorry for them, but i was happy because they would go to the other world with me. in heaven i met my parents again and i hugged them because i really missed them. that was the and of my life and my story. READ AND BUY MY STORY! *when i saw it, i say, OMG LOL* oh man, how should i continue to talk with you now??
LOLZ! cerita aneh!! hahahahaha...
aku bersyukur, karena wifi ef yg keren ini, aku bisa ngepost....
bye guys.....
guru kami memberi tugas melengkapi kata2 yg hilang dalam sebuah goes the story :
a EF teacher named Julian was attacked by his students. They did it because they were furious about the final test jullian were talking about. While he was talking about the final test, the students took their boardmakers and stabbed it to jullian many times. An eyewitness said that when they were killing Jullian, they were enjoying it. They were singing and dancing. It seemed that they were insane!! then the pollice officers came and the students ran away to madura *wth?*. then while jullian was taken away to the hospital, a becak driver crashed the ambulance and ruined it. Jullian walked to hospital, and the doctor said that he wouldn't be able to teach for 6 years because he broken every bone in his body.
the teacher gave us a game....we played it with this law: we write a sentence on our board, then swap the board to other students, the same goes to the other. then every student continues their friend's story by a sentence, then swap it again. THIS IS MY STORY :
1st team: RED
2nd team:green
3rd team: blue
4th team: pink
*my team first* I was riding a motorcycle when i saw a godzilla. then the godzilla ate me for about 10 minutes. and then i died. and i was going to heaven when the godzilla ate my parents. i felt sorry for them, but i was happy because they would go to the other world with me. in heaven i met my parents again and i hugged them because i really missed them. that was the and of my life and my story. READ AND BUY MY STORY! *when i saw it, i say, OMG LOL* oh man, how should i continue to talk with you now??
LOLZ! cerita aneh!! hahahahaha...
aku bersyukur, karena wifi ef yg keren ini, aku bisa ngepost....
bye guys.....
Jumat, 16 April 2010
hey guys, u know Deja Vu right?
Deja Vu is the condition when u feels like something have ever happened before, but actually it's never!! happened oftenly to me now....
-1st story-
well, my DejaVu isn't that important, tough....
yesterday, when i was at my english course place, we all shared stories about ghost...but my friend Ku Fei couldn't speak english very well, so i had to explain to the teacher (the teacher don't undertand indonesian) about her story...
in the end of the story, the teacher asked something to her. i felt like, it happened somewhere before.... i knew she gonna laugh and say um... to the teacher, and the laugh again and tilts her head....and then....
-2nd story-
well, i wanted to drink some cold water..... so i cut some icecube with a knife...
then my mother stopped me, and told me to use the back of the knife, so the knife will stay sharp.... I felt, she told me that already....but then i felt, she'll stop me again and tell me to hurry, then....
and she answered: ''nope, never''
So....what was that??
Well that's 2 lastest Dejavu happened to me......there are lots more......but, guys, have you ever been dejavu??
see ya.....
Deja Vu is the condition when u feels like something have ever happened before, but actually it's never!! happened oftenly to me now....
-1st story-
well, my DejaVu isn't that important, tough....
yesterday, when i was at my english course place, we all shared stories about ghost...but my friend Ku Fei couldn't speak english very well, so i had to explain to the teacher (the teacher don't undertand indonesian) about her story...
in the end of the story, the teacher asked something to her. i felt like, it happened somewhere before.... i knew she gonna laugh and say um... to the teacher, and the laugh again and tilts her head....and then....
omg....another dejavu....-2nd story-
well, i wanted to drink some cold water..... so i cut some icecube with a knife...
then my mother stopped me, and told me to use the back of the knife, so the knife will stay sharp.... I felt, she told me that already....but then i felt, she'll stop me again and tell me to hurry, then....
i couldn't believe it....then after that, i asked my mom, ''hey mom, have u ever told me to use the back of the knife to cut the ice before?''and she answered: ''nope, never''
So....what was that??
Well that's 2 lastest Dejavu happened to me......there are lots more......but, guys, have you ever been dejavu??
see ya.....
Oz <3
Rabu, 14 April 2010 should i say.....
liburan lagii....liburan lagi....
huft....-_- BOSEEEEEEEEN
kenapa habis libur sminggu, skrg libur lagi?? bosen kan!!!
udh drumah dimarai terus lagi.....AKU KANGEN SEKOLAHAAAN...........
org : woy, libur kok gak seneng?? pergi sono ke skolah...!!
aku : ini liburan geblek, di skolah ga ada orang!!
org : gapapa tuh ada yg gentayangan!!!
aku : udh pergi sana, bikin tambah boring aja lu...
nunggu chapter baru KHR ga muncul2 lagii....huaaa........T.T
jadi, aku baca beberapa anime laen dah....
tertarik pada ni manga sejak liat cosplaynya Suigintou yng KEREN banget.
nyari di OM ga ketemu, ke mangafox dah.... dan AKHIRNYA,KETEMU!!!
ni ceritanya ttg Boneka2 yg diberi nama ROZEN MAIDEN SERIES, yaitu boneka yang bisa hidup, dan memakai media manusia sgb sumber energinya. Boneka2 ntu bertarung buat menangin semacam game''ALICE''. dan inilah si Suigintou :
OMG!!! bayangin dah org cantik cosplay pake kostum ntu!!! WAAAAAWWW!!!!!!
si sebastian juga, pokoknya deh, ini tentang Butler dan Tuannya, tapi butlernya semacam IBLIS dan tuanny kontrak ama dia, mereka bertugas utk ''MEMBUNUH'' segala macam gangguan dibalik pemerintahan kerajaan inggris, ADVENTURENYA SERUUU!!!
bagus juga sih, shishishi....
barubaca dh ngefans.....
OOOZ!!!!!!!! hauuu i love this one....
maybe that's All the folks....see ya...^^
huft....-_- BOSEEEEEEEEN
kenapa habis libur sminggu, skrg libur lagi?? bosen kan!!!
udh drumah dimarai terus lagi.....AKU KANGEN SEKOLAHAAAN...........
org : woy, libur kok gak seneng?? pergi sono ke skolah...!!
aku : ini liburan geblek, di skolah ga ada orang!!
org : gapapa tuh ada yg gentayangan!!!
aku : udh pergi sana, bikin tambah boring aja lu...
nunggu chapter baru KHR ga muncul2 lagii....huaaa........T.T
jadi, aku baca beberapa anime laen dah....
1. Rozen Maiden
tertarik pada ni manga sejak liat cosplaynya Suigintou yng KEREN banget.
nyari di OM ga ketemu, ke mangafox dah.... dan AKHIRNYA,KETEMU!!!
ni ceritanya ttg Boneka2 yg diberi nama ROZEN MAIDEN SERIES, yaitu boneka yang bisa hidup, dan memakai media manusia sgb sumber energinya. Boneka2 ntu bertarung buat menangin semacam game''ALICE''. dan inilah si Suigintou :
OMG!!! bayangin dah org cantik cosplay pake kostum ntu!!! WAAAAAWWW!!!!!!
2. Kuroshitsuji
Ato nama laennya yaitu Black Butler. LOVED IT!!! Terutama si Ciel sebastian juga, pokoknya deh, ini tentang Butler dan Tuannya, tapi butlernya semacam IBLIS dan tuanny kontrak ama dia, mereka bertugas utk ''MEMBUNUH'' segala macam gangguan dibalik pemerintahan kerajaan inggris, ADVENTURENYA SERUUU!!!
3. AAA (triple A)
Ini cerita tentang 2 sekolah bersebelahan yang satunya Kelas A yg satunya Bobrok banget....dan pertarungan antra 2 pemimpin murid skolah inipun dimulai....bagus juga sih, shishishi....
4. Pandora Hearts.
OH I LOVE OZ!!! ceritanya menarik....dan karakternya imuttt..........huah....pokoknya sip dah....barubaca dh ngefans.....
OOOZ!!!!!!!! hauuu i love this one....
maybe that's All the folks....see ya...^^
alice from pandora hearts
Minggu, 11 April 2010
u knew that we went trought dificulties when we prepared everything- the costume..., the music, accesorry,
and what've we got??
they don't appreciate any of it!! maybe they think we're just children....
--the story--
arrived there, by RUNNING from the front of the mall till the back....fiuh.....
we weren't late.....thank god......
then we met chrome-chan's dad, took some pic....and wait 4 our turn....
we met so many cosplayer nee~~
like this:
and this:
and also this"
then we practice to dance Hare Hare Yukai again, and....the perform starts!!
we went up to the stage, we were posing, then we took position 4 the dance...but then the backsound didn't come out, and the host told us to come down....
i was so worried, but i tought that was just the photo session....
but then i asked the administrator, and he said THAT was the perform!!!
and then i started to say ''WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING BACK THEN???''
we complained it to the music sub....(the one who click it from his laptop) and he said somehow the sound doesn't come off... we tought we must resend it, and then he said that we must wait till the end...
i was so worried, if all my hardwork to study the dance is meaningless.....
till the and, still we can't perform!! and we weren't the only one!!!
the music sub apologize to me, the host too....
they said it wasn't their fault...
the sound doesn't come out because the mixer turn the sound sytem off....
and it was on purpose by the operator....
oh gosh, SUCKS OPERATOR!!!
i wanted to cry, remembering all of our hardwork.....
we don't care if we didn't win, but please appreciate our hardwork!!!
maybe they did that cause there are more people dress better than us, but they didn't know what we went trough to get all that!!
they just don't understand!!! IT'S ALL MEANINGLESS!!!
oh well, we just cheer ourselves....
oh my god......please understand all that.....
and lastly....our pic!!!! ^o^ enjoy....just have some fun......
and do our best!!
u knew that we went trought dificulties when we prepared everything- the costume..., the music, accesorry,
and what've we got??
they don't appreciate any of it!! maybe they think we're just children....
--the story--
arrived there, by RUNNING from the front of the mall till the back....fiuh.....
then we met chrome-chan's dad, took some pic....and wait 4 our turn....
we met so many cosplayer nee~~
like this:
and this:
and also this"
then we practice to dance Hare Hare Yukai again, and....the perform starts!!
we went up to the stage, we were posing, then we took position 4 the dance...but then the backsound didn't come out, and the host told us to come down....
i was so worried, but i tought that was just the photo session....
but then i asked the administrator, and he said THAT was the perform!!!
and then i started to say ''WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING BACK THEN???''
we complained it to the music sub....(the one who click it from his laptop) and he said somehow the sound doesn't come off... we tought we must resend it, and then he said that we must wait till the end...
i was so worried, if all my hardwork to study the dance is meaningless.....
till the and, still we can't perform!! and we weren't the only one!!!
the music sub apologize to me, the host too....
they said it wasn't their fault...
the sound doesn't come out because the mixer turn the sound sytem off....
and it was on purpose by the operator....
oh gosh, SUCKS OPERATOR!!!
i wanted to cry, remembering all of our hardwork.....
we don't care if we didn't win, but please appreciate our hardwork!!!
maybe they did that cause there are more people dress better than us, but they didn't know what we went trough to get all that!!
they just don't understand!!! IT'S ALL MEANINGLESS!!!
oh well, we just cheer ourselves....
oh my god......please understand all that.....
and lastly....our pic!!!! ^o^ enjoy....just have some fun......
and do our best!!
Sabtu, 10 April 2010
hi guys....aku balik lagi neh.........
haduh, barusaja aku mengalami hal yg paling sungguh tralala yg bisa diungkapkan....
first of all.....kita nyobain baju cosplay. ya betul. we tried to wear the cosplaying costume.
dan yg paling aneh adalah saat kami bertiga nyoba makai wignya mikuru,. sungguh tralala!!!
dan si xerxus dan aku, td mw ke pasar atom nukerin sepatu yg ternyata kekecilan....yaiyalah, dari awal aku minta nomer 38 kok dikasih 37....pantes aja.....ktanya sih kmren habis tu nomer 38.....
dan trpaksa aku harus ke rumah nisa dulu buat ngambil sepedakayuh motornya xerxus....
sampe ke pasar soponyono, nyari angkot ke pasar atom, kmi nunggu 15 menit....lma banget.....
dan liat jam, udah stengah enam.
nyampe di pasar atom, udah jam 5....aduh......liat halaman depan aja aku dah putus asa.....dan stelah masuk ternyata bener....
dan setelah mencari dan berpetualang selama 45 menit....TETEP AJA KAMI GAK NEMU!!!
aku putus asa dan memutuskan utk pulang saja....saat itu jam stengah enam.....
aku nunggu bemo GS di dpnny ITC SENDIRIAN......
dan stengh jam berlalu.....bemonya kok gak lewat ya???
aku mulai menyerah....sampai ada seorang tukang becak yg menawariku.....dan kusebutkan tujuanku yaitu pasar tembok....
bayangkanlah..... dari ITC ke pasar tembok.......
hey hey.....aku ampe kasian ama tukang becaknya....tapi orgnya baek banget deh....skrg kan malem2 takut juga sih sndirian....hehehehe
aku ngerasa kok lama banget ya...?? *YA EMANG JAUH GEBLEK!*
dan tau biayanya berapa????
dan karena itu.....maaf banget....nasibku......
aku gabisa mbayar ke XERXUS n mbayari NISA...
tp nasib berkata laen.....lagu kmatianku ndiri jg sudah berkumandang.....
yaudh deh, itu aja kyky....gudbyee....gausah kangen....*dilempari tomat*
haduh, barusaja aku mengalami hal yg paling sungguh tralala yg bisa diungkapkan....
first of all.....kita nyobain baju cosplay. ya betul. we tried to wear the cosplaying costume.
dan yg paling aneh adalah saat kami bertiga nyoba makai wignya mikuru,. sungguh tralala!!!
dan si xerxus dan aku, td mw ke pasar atom nukerin sepatu yg ternyata kekecilan....yaiyalah, dari awal aku minta nomer 38 kok dikasih 37....pantes aja.....ktanya sih kmren habis tu nomer 38.....
dan trpaksa aku harus ke rumah nisa dulu buat ngambil sepeda
sampe ke pasar soponyono, nyari angkot ke pasar atom, kmi nunggu 15 menit....lma banget.....
dan liat jam, udah stengah enam.
nyampe di pasar atom, udah jam 5....aduh......liat halaman depan aja aku dah putus asa.....dan stelah masuk ternyata bener....
GUPYAH!!!!! SH*T!!!!!!
tapi kami tetap semangat nyari toko itu.....meskipun aku sudah menyerah dari awal masuk pasar atom
dan setelah mencari dan berpetualang selama 45 menit....TETEP AJA KAMI GAK NEMU!!!
aku putus asa dan memutuskan utk pulang saja....saat itu jam stengah enam.....
aku nunggu bemo GS di dpnny ITC SENDIRIAN......
dan stengh jam berlalu.....bemonya kok gak lewat ya???
aku mulai menyerah....sampai ada seorang tukang becak yg menawariku.....dan kusebutkan tujuanku yaitu pasar tembok....
bayangkanlah..... dari ITC ke pasar tembok.......
hey hey.....aku ampe kasian ama tukang becaknya....tapi orgnya baek banget deh....skrg kan malem2 takut juga sih sndirian....hehehehe
aku ngerasa kok lama banget ya...?? *YA EMANG JAUH GEBLEK!*
dan tau biayanya berapa????
aku gabisa mbayar ke XERXUS n mbayari NISA...
tp nasib berkata laen.....lagu kmatianku ndiri jg sudah berkumandang.....
yaudh deh, itu aja kyky....gudbyee....gausah kangen....*dilempari tomat*
Jumat, 09 April 2010
cosplay,oh cosplay....
hi guys....balik lagi.....
yah, dengan keadaan krisi ekonomi akibat cosplay ini, aku ngepost....*opo hubungane???*
prjalanan brkt naek spd mtor...1 jam...
krisis keuangan nisa yg berdampak besar *baca: nular* ke aku juga lumayan hebat!
yah, kalo kuitung, aku bisa menyumbangkan uang kepadanya....hmm....kira2 60ribuan..., jadi.....dia tinggal bayar 150.......MAAF AKU CM BISA BANTU SEGITU!!!
masalahnya, sekarang PIANIKAKU HILANG danaku harus nabung lagi buat beli pianika tercinta....
dan sekarang....menuju tante nanik, doain aku yaa....!!!!
ups....salah upload....*dikami korosu*
yah, dengan keadaan krisi ekonomi akibat cosplay ini, aku ngepost....*opo hubungane???*
kmren, bis beli semprotan rambut.....uangel banget sih???
prjalanan brkt naek spd mtor...1 jam...
ke toko pertama......gak ada....
toko kedua.....nggak juga....
...ketiga....lom dapet.
ke empat,,,dapet semir coklatnya haruhi! *yes!*
kelima, nyari semir yuki, trus nelpon xerxus....
ke enam....msih lom ktemu...
ketujuh,,,i give up....kubelikan semir warna violet deh jadinya.....ada efek glitternya pula.....
jadi total waktu milih n nyari semir = kira2 stengah jamhohoho
krisis keuangan nisa yg berdampak besar *baca: nular* ke aku juga lumayan hebat!
yah, kalo kuitung, aku bisa menyumbangkan uang kepadanya....hmm....kira2 60ribuan..., jadi.....dia tinggal bayar 150.......MAAF AKU CM BISA BANTU SEGITU!!!
masalahnya, sekarang PIANIKAKU HILANG danaku harus nabung lagi buat beli pianika tercinta....
allahuakbar, poniku ampe harus dipotong gra2 cosplay...
dan rambut depanku....
TTATT yaudah deh.....
xerxus, aku cm bisa ngasih kamu stengah sorry..........T.T
dan sekarang....menuju tante nanik, doain aku yaa....!!!!
ups....salah upload....*dikami korosu*
Senin, 05 April 2010
Posting in my school....
hello guys.....
hahahaha!!! aku pingin nge-post!!! tapi gatau soal apa..... *plak*
yah whatever lah,aku brsyukur kelas ini memiliki wifi........LOL
hey,hey, aku kaget banget ama postingannya nisa ttg belfran....
wah, TERNYATA NISA ITU SEGITUNYA DENGAN *TIIIIIIIIT* . wuow, bel aja ampe cegek mbacanya......LOLZ
yah, aku emang ingin jadi fran, tapi aku sama skali gak mendukung hubungan BELXFRAN.......
YAH, biarin ajalah kalo mereka memang BF (boyfriend) and GF (girlfriend) FOREVER!!!!! aku nurut aja lah......
dan si bel sekarang malah melampiaskannya padaku, dengan cara mengungkit2 my pairings..... dan sebenarnya AKU TIDAK MENYETUJUINYA SAMA SEKALI!!!!!
dan............seperti biasa, bonusnya..... of my drawings............LOL
maybe that's all......for now......see ya!
hahahaha!!! aku pingin nge-post!!! tapi gatau soal apa..... *plak*
yah whatever lah,aku brsyukur kelas ini memiliki wifi........LOL
hey,hey, aku kaget banget ama postingannya nisa ttg belfran....
wah, TERNYATA NISA ITU SEGITUNYA DENGAN *TIIIIIIIIT* . wuow, bel aja ampe cegek mbacanya......LOLZ
yah, aku emang ingin jadi fran, tapi aku sama skali gak mendukung hubungan BELXFRAN.......
YAH, biarin ajalah kalo mereka memang BF (boyfriend) and GF (girlfriend) FOREVER!!!!! aku nurut aja lah......
dan si bel sekarang malah melampiaskannya padaku, dengan cara mengungkit2 my pairings..... dan sebenarnya AKU TIDAK MENYETUJUINYA SAMA SEKALI!!!!!
dan............seperti biasa, bonusnya..... of my drawings............LOL
maybe that's all......for now......see ya!
um....just wanna post my artwork.....^^
um....maybe u don't know.,, but i love drawing!!!
even tough i'm still a beginner.....^^
i wanna make a comic, that the story is....stil not finished yet,, but i've designed the char.....
but...the problem is.....
i haven't found a name 4 her yet!!!
and this char is in progress, might change....
um....maybe u don't know.,, but i love drawing!!!
even tough i'm still a beginner.....^^
i wanna make a comic, that the story is....stil not finished yet,, but i've designed the char.....
but...the problem is.....
i haven't found a name 4 her yet!!!
and this char is in progress, might change....
her wings aren't real, just accesorry to make it pretty....
so guys, can u please find me a name? i'm begging you!!!
and 4 the bonus..... (some of u have ever seen it)
um..yeah, i tried to draw is it?um....IT'S BAD!!! however, i tried my best...>.<
that's all....thanks.....
Minggu, 04 April 2010
Can't wait 4 the cosplay... XD
hello guys......
yeah! i read this manga on onemanga...but i didn't think the series of haruhi suzumiya on om is the complete series....
buaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaa.........................T.T help mee..........anybody.........
maybe that's al the folks...see ya!
hey, hey, btw.......
my internet bill....wasn't 700 thousands rupiahs, but 1.700.000+!!!!!
maybe some of you already know..... i'm going to go to a cosplay!!! YAY!!
i'll cosplay as Haruhi Suzumiya, and now i'm waiting 4 the tailor to finish my costume....
ah i'm so excited, but nervous......
yeah! i read this manga on onemanga...but i didn't think the series of haruhi suzumiya on om is the complete series....
buaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaa.........................T.T help mee..........anybody.........
maybe that's al the folks...see ya!
hey, hey, btw.......
my internet bill....wasn't 700 thousands rupiahs, but 1.700.000+!!!!!
Sabtu, 03 April 2010
my new template is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
liked it???? ahhh i'm so happy nee!!!!!!!!!!
i'll tell you how, just comment bellow.....
to: my friend in real live : U CAN ASK ME AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my new template is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
liked it???? ahhh i'm so happy nee!!!!!!!!!!
i'll tell you how, just comment bellow.....
to: my friend in real live : U CAN ASK ME AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jumat, 02 April 2010
yah....tgl 1 april......lupa hehe..........
dan krn klik kananku.... LUMAYAN gak berfungsi,, yaudah....gausah pake emoticon.....
heh...ngmong apa yah? = =a
aaaarrrrghh!!! kenapa tgl 1 april harus libur??? D8
pdhl aku pingin ngerjain anak2!!!! sial!!! harusnya 1 april tuh pengecualian,,,, ga da libur, jadi bisa nyusun strategi ngerjain anak2.... *plakk*
gmn klo.....WE TRICK A TEACHER???*kicked, killed* XDD
yah.....sangking ga da kerjaannya, ampe aku lupa kalo kemaren itu april mop..... *what??*
jadi keinget cerita di suatu komik.... maunya ngerjain april mop pake tangan berdarah2 yg keliatan sungguhan, tangannya ditaruh kulkas.....
dan pacarnya yg dateng tidak sengaja liat tangan2an itu,,,, pacarnya berfikir dia itu pembunuh & mau membunuh.....
sampe akhirnya, ara2 kesalahpahaman itu, org yg nyiapin trik itu terbunuh oleh pacarnya karena dikira mau membunuh *bela diri maksudnya*
mungkin malaikat berkta padanya :
malaikat: KUAPOK!
wkakakakaka!!!! mkanya bikin lelucon jgn ketinggian!!
ok then tinggal nambah foto ini: tanda perpisahan...
*KILLED* XDD ga sempat ngupload di facebook....hehehe
ok,,,SEE YA!!!
dan krn klik kananku.... LUMAYAN gak berfungsi,, yaudah....gausah pake emoticon.....
heh...ngmong apa yah? = =a
aaaarrrrghh!!! kenapa tgl 1 april harus libur??? D8
pdhl aku pingin ngerjain anak2!!!! sial!!! harusnya 1 april tuh pengecualian,,,, ga da libur, jadi bisa nyusun strategi ngerjain anak2.... *plakk*
gmn klo.....WE TRICK A TEACHER???*kicked, killed* XDD
yah.....sangking ga da kerjaannya, ampe aku lupa kalo kemaren itu april mop..... *what??*
jadi keinget cerita di suatu komik.... maunya ngerjain april mop pake tangan berdarah2 yg keliatan sungguhan, tangannya ditaruh kulkas.....
dan pacarnya yg dateng tidak sengaja liat tangan2an itu,,,, pacarnya berfikir dia itu pembunuh & mau membunuh.....
sampe akhirnya, ara2 kesalahpahaman itu, org yg nyiapin trik itu terbunuh oleh pacarnya karena dikira mau membunuh *bela diri maksudnya*
mungkin malaikat berkta padanya :
malaikat ke org: aku punya satu kata untukmu....
org ke malaikat: apa itu?
malaikat: KUAPOK!
wkakakakaka!!!! mkanya bikin lelucon jgn ketinggian!!
ok then tinggal nambah foto ini: tanda perpisahan...
*KILLED* XDD ga sempat ngupload di facebook....hehehe
ok,,,SEE YA!!!
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