Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not blogging in a while...
I'm just... too busy, and my mom doesn't allow me to use internet as much as before, gomen ne.....
Urn okay, Well, like the title say, I NEED YOUR HELP.
Well, i'm creating my own manga project (even if i'm really is an amateur) well, i wanna practice and... i just wanna create it...
I found the Genre, the story, and others, but the Chara!
I just... couldn't found any good chara for it... So, i need your help, please give me a suggestion okay?
Well, for info. The chara will be a girl, and a boy. The girl appearance is maybe, tsundere with a little bit of dandere...
I designed some chara, and costumes, but i couldn't find the good one... So far i designed 3 model of the girl...
Take a look... :
The first design i made...
Maybe you've seen it, so take a look...
But you see, i didn't copy miku's style, because i made it before i knew miku...
Someone said that she looks like a chara named Lilim (but idunno who the heck is lilim)Oh, yeah, the bat wings are just accesories, she doesn't really have it..
and then.....
The second...

The third one.... this is... well.... the last thing... I love this new design, but still... i want ur opinion.... this is really original....LOL
Thanks for the help... ><
Wa...Aku suka yang ketiga! Mungkin rambutnya dibuat lebih yak apa gitu, hhe
BalasHapusya, betul... sekarang aku udh nemu yang betul2 pas, hoho... thx...