Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Sabtu, 04 April 2015

a bee ran into a dragonfly

and they together created a new unique species. really, there's this dragonfly with wings in bees pattern at its and I just stared there while it flew swirling around me. i even took a picture (in my phone, i'll upload it in instagram maybe)

and also

something happened and how happy my mood became really puzzles me. what am i, a fool or something...

anyway again~ i'm entering this contest. just a reminder

the art is just so cute aagh I cannot resist ><

so imma make brass design or there charas

anyway I really miss some people but I dont wanna tell... as usual...

do they even remember me :< hmph.

i will ask, but if one doesn't want to tell, then i wont push it, no matter how curious i actually am. i will give a little opening, but if one doesn't want to know badly, well, i think it's better for them not to know--it's not like my story is something grand to know. with that logic i sit here sulking(?)

hahah not really XD

so yeah thats all the lastest news from me <3 p="">

see ya!

Jumat, 03 April 2015


i don't know anymore

it's like i'm sinking deeper and deeper

into... this.

who am I?

does anyone know?

eh look, I made these! I'm so happy with the result kyaaak it's so cute >///<