Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015



I woke up from a nightmare

into another nightmare


I don't think I can wake up from this one, though.

an experimental art, here.

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

a cup for two

We were sitting together, you and I, enjoying cups of hot capucinno as the rain poured down. We were talking about the usual thing. Just us, the two of us.

“What if we had nothing more?” I suddenly asked. 

You eyed me in silence and put your coffee down.

“Don’t ask me that, please. I’ve been strong all this time only because of you. If you say something like that...”

Your eyes were sad. I blinked my own stingy pair.

Then, I forced myself to laugh.

I forgot. How can I afford to be weak?
I must keep going, too. Else we'll both break.

Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Found Some Awesome Vocaloid Songs Today

Just sharing here in case I forgot it~!

Having some free time and wifi, and decided to spend some time on youtube =w= And found some nice MVs~

So first of all there's this song "Go Google It" by Luka and Gakupo

It's not very good in sounds and such but it's freakin hilarious. Eh it's not as bad as other voca songs tho. I recommend you this!

Then there's this really sad song Leia by Luka Megurine. Eh, not very sad actually. It's cool.

It's about a painter whose beloved lover is dead, and he paints a picture of her, imagining it as the real her. Long story short, in the end he was destroyed by his fake fantasy and "decided to gouge is eyes out, choosing fantasy over reality"
Idk bro theres no such gorey ness in the clip though. The art is amazing.
And apparently this is the sequel/prequel

Of how she met him.
These two are recommended!!

And there's this song, it's really catchy and the maker really knows how to put the electrical voices into goo harmony. And the art and fashion preferences is really cute, I'm falling in love with it!

I particularly love Miku Append and Gumi's voice here. Even Rin sounds slightly less annoying. Well, just see for yerself. It's very cute~!

 And this, such a mood breaker. Damn damn damn

I think Imma watch Mr Music again.

Hope ya enjoyed those!
Bye bye!


Jadi kemaren pengkaderan jurusanku akhirnya dimulai (singkat cerita). Belum seram, cuma berbaris dan curhat-curhat aja bersama angkatan Semut(nama angkatan seniornya).

Nah ada sedikit insiden ketika sesi sharing itu. Jadi singkat cerita(lagi), kami diminta ide satu-persatu tentang nama angkatan kami kelak, berupa nama binatang dalam bahasa Jawa. Nah aku disuruh ngomong duluan tiba-tiba waktu masih mikir.

Dan yang terlintas di pikiranku kebetulan adalah trenggiling.


"Iya trenggiling mbak."

"Trenggiling bukannya yang makan semut itu ya?"




"Wah dek kamu diam-diam..."

"Enggak mbak maksudku bukan--aa--"

yah begitulah intinya. Lalu aku merutuki kebodohanku sendiri sepanjang hari.

Ohya sorenya aku makan soto. Nah waktu mau bayar, aku obrak abrik tas buat cari dompet...

..dan malah ketemu lubang gede yang mlete.

Daan lalu aku jurit malam mengelilingi kampus, dan tentu saja dompetnya gak ketemu. Aku bahkan nggak tau kira2 jatuh dimana, dompet itu nggak aku buka sejak pagi.

Kirim ke puluhan grup line info embarassing, dsb dsb...

Untungnya ternyata ada di ruang kelas, dibawa salah satu temenku. Fyuuh.

Nah, dompetku ketemu, alhamdulillah.

Sekarang, suaraku yang hilang. =w=

((Eh tapi kemaren waktu aku nyanyi sendiri pada proses penghilangan suara, suaraku jadi kawak Valshe =7=~~~ yaudah sih.))

Sekian kekonyolan hari ini. Lama nggak konyol ya? Nggak juga kok, hahaha.



....kok postingan ini berasa postinganku pas jaman SD ya. GJ pol. Biarin deh.
