Welcome to Wonderland!

A compilation of wonders where things might be found upside down. Feel free to do and say anything out of the ordinary. Wish you a safe journey back into reality after reading all these.

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012


That would describe it the best, I think. Well you see, some people are jugding me as shotacon though I will clearly deny that, because I still like some non-shota too. Like... Urm, Hibari or Gilgamesh. They're not shota, right??

But 'moe-con' here isn't K-On's type of moe. Why do I say that? Because I've seen dozens of K-On pics and haven't been thinking that they're.... that cute. No.

My type of cute for person is usually... Tsundere-y, Childish, and the likes. Because... well aren't they just cute? >///<
And those people who are kind of awkwardly, and when they awkwardly tries to blend... Its also kinda cute.
And many more, but... Well that was the common-est thing I find in my fav charas.

And my moe-con / cute-con also applies to animals and things, I guess.

These came into my mind specially after Latifa told me that.  So, yesterday,I asked her "Am I really a shotacon?"
And she answered "No, you just love every damn cute thing in the world. No matter what it is."

So... Yeah.

Urmn, that's all..?

What about you? Do you have any sort of fetish, too?

For those who are innocent, thus dunno what does these mean :
> moe-con / cute-con : Cute-lover
> fetish : having a certain thing/characteristic of person/things that you love, or in other world, in which you love everything that has that character in it

Bonus pic :

Naoto. Yeah, I still love him her.

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012


you need eyes to believe,

but some other times,
you should believe not what your eyes had seen,

'cause everything don't always look the way it's really are

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012


So apparently Naoto is a GIRL. /whyareyousolateelaa/
Aaa >///< he's really awesome as boy, but her female side is also... SO CUTE!

Me : "Shota power as well as loli power. Naoto is perfect for pedos. (??)"

Myrna : "You love Naoto so much. So you're a pedo?"

Me : "No, I only love Naoto, not kids. Difference is, pedos love kids, not only Naoto."

Some pics about her :

>///< He- I mean she's awesome right XD

Oh, and :
In case you wanna see her female ver (which is VERY cute)

By the way, in case you haven't noticed, I changed the BG. What do you think?

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

What If

Question of the month :

What if I wasn't a fangirl, or well, morelikely, otaku? What would I be? What would I be doing in my spare times? How will I entertain myself?

and many more question, was (and still) swirling in my head.

Well, I came up with several possibilities, actually. Maybe I'd be a good student who could study without many, uhm, interruptions. Maybe I will spend my precious time studying for tomorrow's exam. Maybe I will not spend my money on (actually) unimportant otaku thingys. Maybe I will start liking real-life beautys, and not imagining things too impossibru.

Maybe I would become a much, more, fun girl to talk to with normal conversation, or rather a much more boring girl. Maybe my life would be much more fun, socializing with more people (normal, mostly), or maybe it would be even more boring with my unchanging socializing skill, and I'd crave for things to cease my boredom every weekend. Well, anything is possible, is it not?

Maybe I will start caring about celebritish updates. Or maybe not. Maybe I will spend my money on novels. Maybe I will save money to go to cinemas.

Maybe I would never draw like now.

But then, I wouldn't have to go all depressed knowing that drawing is so controvertial in Islam.

Well... Who knows?

btw, just a random thing I wanna share with you, but I like this pic : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEie5FtjHHAAWzqhPnHAadHGQFqlQVaOvQMrMk-jAMc69Irh6gKk7SyTMytXXvO7h3d2pb1QeS66SDGdb2C9Yw5_qq8tsyI9D1vXiPotsUiONWv7XBrobVa0l-1vyuW9-ermh_CW37xwImA-/s1600/holygrail.jpg . Specially the mask.

err, maybe that's all.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012



Aku juga bingung, why in the world am I so stupid.

*ehmn* Jadi.


Lagipula, blog ku kan gak terkenal, lol.

Ohya. Jadi.

Ceritanya kemaren, aku lagi gila twitter. Mensyen mensyen ampe berjibun, ngestalk banyak orang. Padahal ya gak nganggur-nganggur amat, UAS sudah mendekat. 4 hari lagi. 4 hari lagi....
....dan aku masih desperate di fisika. Orz.

Dan sampai pada akun seorang senpai yang lagi ngepromosiin kaos Smala. Kualitas bagus. Pesannya agak lama dan harga agak mahal, tapi worth it, soalnya desainnya awesome dan sablonannya dijamin awet.Ada, sih, yang sehari jadi dan harga murah, tapi cuma buat nyupport DBL dan kualitasnya kurang bagus. Nah, jadi singkat cerita, akupun mensyen senpai itu buat pesen kaos.

Dan bodohnyaaaaa.....

Ternyata kaos itu cuma buat kelas 12, angkatan yang lulus tahun ini.


Facepalm. Headdesk. Tableflip. Headbang. Faceflip. and so on.


-bloodcry- -dikeplok sandal-

dan bonus satu gambar yang bahkan gak ada hubungannya ama postingan ini...

scene yang (menurutku) sangat imut, diambil dari Pandora Hearts chapter terakhir

.....and you are asking why am I posting this?

Karena, kurasa blog ini akhir2 ini agak terlalu emo for my taste. Harus diperbaiki!
Dan sekian, abaikan aku yang mempermalukan diriku sendiri. Toh yang penting orang itu gak baca. 

Ng, semoga.
